The Xw4 lambda amp is a compact four channel NGK lambda amplifier with built in heater control circuit with CAN bus, serial and 0-5 volt outputs.
Two or more devices can be interfaced together via a CAN bus to allow up to 16 sensors to be connected to the ECU, engine dyno or logging system.
The enclosure is extruded machined 6061 aluminium that is environmentally sealed and features an automotive grade connector.
The XW4 amplifier is designed to interface with the NGK high performance wide band sensor. The NGK sensor is lead tolerant, has a wider measurement range and has a significantly faster response time.
The Xw4 has the following features:-
Also availailable as a single/dual channel unit
The Xw4 lambda amp is self calibrating and does not require any free air calibration methods. It will integrate with any EFI Technology ECU directly for closed loop control and/or lambda monitoring.
The Xw4 amp has a lambda range of 0.60 to 1.875 (8.80 to 18.5 AFR) in gasoline. The Xw can also be used with Methanol by simply changing the ECU calibration table.
The Xw4 amp can also be connected to any data logger or dyno using its 0-5 volt outputs. For further information on calibrations please contact us at
For further information on this and other products please contact us directly at
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